NDI Radix™ Lens
The Marker of Choice for Navigated Orthopaedic Arthroplasty
The Radix™ Lens is a marker designed to be integrated into OEM surgical instruments to accurately and reliably pinpoint instrument positions in orthopaedic arthroplasty procedures.
High Accuracy
Reliable Navigation
Easy to Clean
Enhances Workflow
Orthopaedic Surgery can be Messy.
Navigated solutions can become less accurate when the markers are contaminated in small amounts during procedures. The proprietary design of the Radix Lens ensures that it maintains high accuracy even when contaminated.
The unique design of the Radix Lens enables it to continue tracking accurately, even when markers are heavily contaminated, ensuring reliable navigation.
The smooth plastic surface and dome structure of the Radix Lens make it quick and easy to clean during procedures, enhancing efficiency and reducing frustration for surgeons, unlike traditional retro-reflective navigation markers which can be difficult to wipe and clean, leading to extended procedure times.

Orthopaedic Surgery Requires Specialized Tool Design.
The Radix Lens simplifies integration by providing a standardized platform for designing and manufacturing disposable surgical tools. This eliminates the need for navigation providers to develop custom solutions, streamlining the process of incorporating these tools into their systems. Additionally, it reduces the sterilization burden on hospitals and mitigates the substantial initial cost associated with repurposable tools.
Navigation markers that protrude from tools can occlude each other, resulting in surgeon frustration and prolonged procedures. The Radix Lens, featuring a low profile and a large viewing angle of up to 60 degrees, maintains tracking through a wide range of motion without self-occlusion, enhancing the workflow of procedures.

Radix Lens Features:
- Facilitates accurate optical tracking in harsh environments
- Solid contamination is easy to identify and remove, resulting in better tracking recovery
- Partial occlusions have minimal impact on tracking performance
- Minimizes interruption to surgical workflow
- Low profile marker eliminates marker-to-marker interference on planar, multi-marker tools
Accurate Tracking
Minimal Disruption
Resistant to Partial Occlusions
As a benefit of its form factor, the Radix Lens is inherently resistant to partial occlusions. An occlusion that partially covers one side of the lens will be reflected on the opposite side. Due to the resulting symmetrical occlusion, the marker centroid is still tracked accurately. The Radix Lens has a viewing angle of ±60°, which ensures it is readily “seen” (detected) by the Polaris® optical tracker within the measurement volume.

Developing a Navigated Orthopaedic Solution is Difficult – Trust the Expert
Sourcing alternative markers involves obtaining them from third-party providers or developing them internally. The direct connection between the camera and the marker is crucial for optimal navigation performance. NDI provides a full solution with a navigation camera and marker, establishing themselves as the navigation expert.

Tinavi Medical, a trusted partner of NDI, pioneers the innovative design and manufacture of intelligent orthopedic medicine solutions.

Experience Reliable Surgical Navigation with the Radix Lens: Download Our Brochure Today
Get all the essential details about the Radix Lens from our brochure, which offers the same information as our webpage. This downloadable format is perfect for reviewing later at your convenience. Learn about its durable design that maintains accuracy even when contaminated, its easy-to-clean features, and how it helps streamline surgical procedures with its low-profile and non-occluding design. Download your copy today for a handy reference on how the Radix Lens enhances navigated orthopaedic surgery.
Legal Disclaimer
NDI tracking and measurement products are general metrology components that can be integrated into customer products, research experiments, and/or as components of medical devices that require precision measurement and tracking. While NDI components and technology can be integrated into original equipment manufacturer (OEM) medical devices, they are not specifically intended for a given application and, as such, have not been developed or manufactured in accordance with medical device standards. It remains the responsibility of the OEM customer or end-user to determine and test the suitability of NDI components and technology for their intended use, including performing any required ethics approval, verification, and validation required to demonstrate suitability and compliance. System-level testing, certification, and validation are the responsibility of the original equipment manufacturer or the applicable end-user and should be completed prior to the use of NDI products or technologies in any application.
*The Radix Lens is not a medical device; its suitability, testing, certification, and validation in a particular application must be determined and completed by the OEM medical device customer or end user prior to use.